The Scientific Revolution

Explain the development of the Scientific Revolution and the impact of the scientific method on different fields of study.

1473- Copernicus born, 19 February.
1492- Columbus discovers New World.
1517- Luther starts the Reformation
1507-1514- Copernicus's Commentariolus begins to be circulated.
1542- Publication of On The Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres.
1543- Death of Copernicus.
1545- Council of Trent. Counter-reformation begins.
1546- Tycho Brahe born, 14 December.
1564- Galileo born, 15 February.
1571- Johannes Kepler born, 16 May.
1596- Rene Descartes born
1600- Giordano Bruno burned at the stake for heresy, was a proponent of Copernicus, among other things.
1600-1601- Kepler-Brahe collaboration.
1601- Brahe dies.
1609- Kepler publishes Astronomia Nova (contains his first and second laws).
1610- Galileo's discoveries with the telescope. The Starry Messenger.
1613- Galileo publishes Letters on Sunspots
1616- Copernicus's book banned until corrected.
1618- Thirty Years War breaks out.
1619- Kepler publishes Harmonice Mundi (contains his third law).
1632- Galileo publishes Dialogues Concerning the Two Principal Systems of the World, and it is immediately banned.
1633- Trial of Galileo.
1638- Galileo publishes Two New Sciences. (Laws of motion)
1642- Galileo dies.
Isaac Newton born.
1650- Descartes dies.
1672- Newton announces his theory of Colors to the Royal Society.
1687- Newton publishes Philosopiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
1727- Newton dies.

Tiffani Chalas
The Scientific Revolution was the drastic change in science and theory. Some of the most noticeable scientists known for bringing this to be were Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei and much more. Scientific Revolution was basically when people started thinking outside the church's and noblemen box. The scientific method is used even today. It consisted of an observation. hypothesis, interpretation and finally the conclusion

Saluna Chow
The Scientific Revolution was a new period of knowledge and new point of view about the world. A lot of theories believed to be true before the Scientific Revolution were proven wrong, so some of these wrong theories were replaced by theories that were proven to be true that we know today. One of these theories was the geocentric theory, which believed that the universe was earth-centered, meaning that the sun rotated around the earth. This theory was proven wrong in the early 1500s by Copernicus and he said that the universe was sun-centered instead of earth-centered. A lot of these great philosophers and thinkers that we know today were burned or rejected by the church because back then they didn't have to right to express themselves and whatever they said was against the church. The church didn't accept the new theories that these thinkers and philosophers were proposing because it meant the decrease of their power in the society.
The Scientific Revolution led to a efficient and new approach to science, the scientific method. The Scientific Method is a procedure of gathering ideas, making the experiment to prove it and come into a conclusion. Steps of the scientific method included: hypotheses, experiment, and conclusion. This was the method that Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo used to prove all those new theories and ideas. The Scientific method helped a lot the Scientific Revolution because it was like an introduction to logic.

Claudia Franjul
During the mid 1500s European scholars and scientists began doing something that nearly no one had dared to do before. Probably inspired by the religious questioning of the Protestant movement, scientists and scholars began questioning the Church’s teachings about nature, as well as the scientific explanations of the thinkers of Greece and Rome. They wanted to find new and more convincing answers to their questions about the laws that dominated the physical world. The first step they took was to observe the environment around them. Like that they began to find out that many of the traditional ideas were incorrect. Through years of observations they began to decipher the laws of nature and to create theories from these observations.

Some of the greatest scientific discoveries were made during this period. Copernicus challenged the geocentric theory and proposed that the planets instead revolved around the sun. Galileo discovered things about the universe that had remained a mystery for long. Newton came up with the law of Gravity. The scientific method, which is even applied today, was created and used to develop new theories. What these scientists exposed defied every preexisting idea that people had about how the universe and the world worked. Most of the times, if not in all cases, the Church tried these scientists as heretics because their beliefs differed from those of the Church and if people got to believe what they said the Church would loose credibility. However this didn’t stop scientists and their curious minds. New discoveries were being made in all fields of science. These achievements were only possible thanks to scientist’s meticulous observations, curiosity, and their use of logical reasoning.

Luis Rafael Acta
In science, the scientific revolution was a period when new ideas in physics, astronomy, biology, human anatomy, chemistry, and other sciences led to the rejection of the ancient theories that remained from Ancient Greece through the Middle Ages, and led to the foundation of modern science. According to the majority of scholars, the scientific revolution began with the publication of two works that changed the course of science in 1543. Before, people believed in the geocentric theory, meaning that earth was the center of the universe and that the sun orbited around it. This theory changed after Nicolas Copernicus developed the heliocentric theory which explained that the sun was the center and that the earth revolved around it. He also knew that scholars would reject his theory because it contradicted their religious views. The last year of his life his published the two books about his findings.

The scientific revolution led to the development scientific method. The scientific method consisted of formulating a hypothesis after observing, then testing the hypothesis with an experiment, and then recording your conclusion. This helped many scientists such as, Galileo, Kepler, and Copernicus to have all their theories proved. The development of the scientific method marked a place in history and an introduction to logic.

Kendrick Abreu Grullon
The Scientific Revolution occurred because The Renaissance inspired a spirit of curiosity and made scholars to question and judge all the accepted theories hundreds years ago. Another reason was the religious movement called reformation which caused follower to challenge accepted theories. In the mid-1500s scholars started to publish works that opposed these ancient ideas causing the movement called the Scientific Revolution. The reason why did scholars published such works, were the new discoveries of the Americas and also the Age of exploration. Most people during that time believed in the geocentric theory because of common sense but an astronomer, called Nicolas Copernicus, believed in the heliocentric theory but couldn't prove it right. Later his apprentice, Tycho Brahe, after analyzing his data he proved the theory right. an Italian scientist named Galileo Galilei made the telescope which he used to monitor the planets and created some theories of it. Galileo's findings opposed the church teaching causing them to fell frightened so they summoned Galileo made him sign a confession that stated "everything i said was false".

The Scientific Method is a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas. The scientific method created a new way to look at things and ideas. stating that everything should be doubted until proven right. the Scientific method begins with a problem that occurred because of observation. then u create an assumption of about the problem. The assumption is then tested by doing an experiment. Then u analyze the information and create a conclusion which will prove right or wrong the assumption.

Gabriela Elias
The Scientific Revolution was a period of new point of views, ideas, and understandings about the world. Before the Scientific Revolution, people had theories such as the universe being geocentric, that the earth was the center of the universe. After the Scientific Revolution, many of these theories were proven wrong. The main one was the view of the universe. Nicolaus Capernicus in the early 1500s discovered the new theory that the universe was heliocentric, sun centered. These famous philosophers we know today were rejected by the church in the past. They were afraid to share their ideas because the church would reject them since they were against it. These new theories represented the decrease of the church’s power in society.

The way of thinking of philosophers developed into a new approach in science called the scientific method, the method that Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo used to prove their theories. The scientific method is a procedure for gathering and testing ideas. The steps of the scientific method were observation, hypotheses, experiment, and conclusion.

Rafael Cabrera
The scientific revolution was the period of major change in europan thought, in which the study of the natural world began to be characterized by careful observations and the questioning of accepted beliefs. After the Renaissance, people traveled to different parts, and discovered new ideas that were not known by the Europeans. As a result, this people brought new ideas. One of the first changes or discoveries done was the heliocentric theory. People already knew what the geocentric theory which was the idea of this earth-centered view of the universe. The heliocentric theory found by Nicolaus Copernicus said that the earth revolves around the sun. Another important scientist was Galileo Galilei. Galileo constructed many theories and equipment for astronomy. He even built his own telescope. But the church didn't accept any of his beliefs and ideas so he was trialed and he had to negate al of his ideas and Copernicus ideas. He died finally in 1642. All of this discoveries helped the scientific revolution because this was the beginning of new ideas and understanding.

The scientific method is a logical procedure for gathering and testing new ideas. It consisted of first, the problem or the arising question, then a hypothesis, and finally, scientist analyze and interpret their data to reach a conclusion. I believe that the scientific method help in a very big way because now, they couldnt just make up an idea, with the scientific method they had first to prove the idea with facts which was then easier to know if this was real or not. So the scientific method was really important in this aspect of science and any other proven material.

Natasha Chami
The Scientific Revolution was a new way of thinking about the natural world, in which there was a great change in scientific thoughts. This Revolution led to discoveries and to new study in the Universities if Europe. Some of the discoveries they found were plants and animals that ancient writers had never seen before. This not only led to a new understanding of the world, but it also created a scientific method. Discover lead to doubt, scholars challenged traditional thoughts, and inventions were made. Some of the inventions were the telescope, Microscope, and the Navy.

Then impact of the Scientific Method on different field of study was that with this method, scientist asks a question based on something they’ve seen in the world. They mainly formed hypothesis, then they looked or experimented for the results, after that they conclude, and last they world complete or disapprove the hypothesis. Scientist observed the world and gathered information or data about it. And with this data they conducted experiments in which they then created their theories until their entire conclusion correct. One of the thinkers that helped advance the use of scientific method was Francis Bacon, in which he said scientists should base their thinking on what they can observe and test.

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